The development of a novel-designed optical fiber-based system for ultra-sensitive point-of-care viral protein detection by SERS
Quarterly news: Amazing News! Our project on fiber-based SERS systems and substrates was completed successfully, contributing significantly to the understanding and application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). We've pioneered new approaches to fiber bundles, particularly NCF, that outperform existing products and processes.
In terms of SERS substrate development, our novel method focuses on methodology development, with a special method for producing templated substrates to manipulate distances between noble metal particles (dimers).
The significant career growth of two PhD candidates aligned with project outcomes demonstrates the local impact. Beyond them, the project has a positive impact on a larger group of students and young researchers, resulting in a dynamic learning environment.
Commercial prospects appear promising, particularly for fiber bundle products for Raman measurements.
Furthermore, there is potential for further development of a small, low-cost spectrometer system.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis
Quarterly news: The project activities are slowly approaching the finish line. We are carrying out the final work on software and equipment testing.
Simultaneously, active efforts are underway to popularize scientific results, both in the form of scientific articles and at scientific conferences. In this quarter, Edgars Vanags participated in the NAP-2023 conference with a presentation: "SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Detection Using Silver-Doped Zinc Oxide Tetrapods as SERS Substrate," and Annmarija Trausa presented the project results at the EMRS Fall meeting 2023 conference with a presentation: "Heat-induced Fragmentation of Gold Nanowires for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates."
CeramOptec has completed three designs and is manufacturing these fibers. The new designs are optimized for use and testing with a microspectrometer, enabling significant miniaturization of the equipment.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis
Information updated on: 30.09.2023
Quarterly news: We are excited to provide you with an update on the latest advancements in our research project. Our Ramana measurement system is currently in active deployment for test measurements and substrate evaluations. Our ongoing efforts are centered around refining measurement control, as well as developing sophisticated software for data acquisition and in-depth analysis.
Simultaneously, significant strides are being made in the functionalization of these substrates for the purpose of COVID spike protein measurements. This research holds immense promise in contributing to our understanding of the virus and its implications.
Furthermore, we are thrilled to share that CeramOptec is in the final stages of crafting a novel fiber bundle for our Surface-enhanced Raman scattering system. This innovative design features an interchangeable central core, introducing a new level of versatility and enabling more advanced experimentation possibilities.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis
Information updated on 30.06.2023
Quarterly news: CeramOptec company has developed a new type of next-generation design for fiber bundle for SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman scattering) system , paving the way for more advanced and versatile experiments. This innovative fiber bundle design enables the testing of different central laser fibers and their corresponding Raman backgrounds, offering greater flexibility in research and analysis. With this new technology, researchers can easily switch between various laser fibers, allowing for a more in-depth understanding of SERS behavior. The novel fiber bundle design is expected to contribute significantly to the advancement of SERS technology and open new avenues for research in the field.
We are pleased to inform you about the progress of our research work on SERS substrates prepared in ISSP UL. Active work is don on functionalization of these substrates to measure the COVID spike protein. This is a crucial step towards the development of a highly sensitive and specific SERS-based diagnostic test for COVID-19.
Furthermore, we are pleased to report that the first measurement setup to measure SERS was completed.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis.
Information updated on 30.03.2023
Quarterly news: The assembly of prototype device for COVID detection using optical fiber system was started. CeramOptec pruduced first customized fiber bundle for SERS measurements.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis.
Information updated on 31.12.2022
Quarterly news: The scientific results obtained in project were successfully presented in international FMNT2022 conference with two posters ("SERS SUBSTRATES BASED ON GOLD NANOPARTICLE-COATED ZNO TETRAPODS" and "TOWARDS SURFACE-ENHANCED RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY ON THE TIP OF OPTICAL FIBER: COMPARISON OF SUBSTRATES")
We are proud that poster prepared by Mg.phys. Liga Bikse received poster award, as most promising results.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis.
Information updated on 30.09.2022.
Quarterly news: Dr.phys Krisjanis Smits and Msc.chem Edgars Vanags visited PROMES-CNRS in France, where they successfully prepared materials for SERS substrates.
The second meeting with CeramOptec was held on May 24. Current progress and future tasks were discused.
The project is co-financed by REACT-EU funding for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis.

Information updated on 30.06.2022
Type: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project Leader: Institute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia (ISSP UL), Dr.phys. Krisjanis Smits.
Project partner: SIA Ceram Optec
Total budget: 540 467.91 EUR
Project description: The main goal of the project is to develop a precise and simple to use testing system for the rapid determination of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein based on Raman spectroscopy. The proposed Industrial research project will be implemented by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) and Ceram Optec LLC. This multidisciplinary project consists of the research activities in Physical (1.3) and Chemical (1.4) sciences, Materials science (2.5) and Nanotechnology (2.10), according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Frascati Manual.
Tasks: The planned results of the project are: 3 original research publications, accepted for publication in the high-level peer reviewed scientific journals; 1 Latvian patent; 2 prototypes of new products (optical fiber bundle and test cell), presentation of project results at 7 international conferences.

The project meeting was held on February 10 at the CeramOptec facilities in Livani. During the event, the project's cooperation was discussed, as well as the requirements for the initial design of the optical fiber bundle prototype that would be developed in frame of this project.
Currently, work is being done on the project to make SERS substrates, development of optical fiber bundles, and procurement preparation of the materials needed for the project.
Information updated on 31.03.2022